Property Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Property Climeworks
Carbon Cure

Address your
CO₂ emissions.
Get climate solutions.

Analyzed your carbon emissions?
Have a curated selection of carbon projects at your finger tips.

Select your carbon projects
Browse through the projects and selects the ones that resonate with your targets and company.
Compensate your emissions
Via the Dashboard or the API, you can buy your carbon credits on demand.
Receive your certificates
We complete the credit retirement process on your behalf. Third-party audited.

Choose projects according to location, mitigation type and different technologies.

Check out the entire selection of projects
More than 150 curated projects waiting for you
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Balance cost and impact with different projects

Match impactful projects with your budget by combining different technologies and projects types.

How do we select
our carbon projects?

Our rigorous climate project due diligence follows the Core Carbon Principles to ensure our clients get access to climate projects of the highest quality and standards.
Third-party verification
Third-party verification is key to ensure the climate project delivers what it promises.
All our climate projects have been
third-party vetted.
Financial, legal, and ecological additionally
The additionality assessment checks whether the measures taken in the project would have happened in the absence of the project.
Permanence assessment
We assess the permanence of the taken measures to make sure the climate project has a long-lasting impact.
Reversal risk mitigation assessment
We make sure that the project and its methodology consider potential reversal risks and address them.
Conservativeness assessment
We check if the quantification models applied and its methodology are appropriate and conservative.
Double counting assessment
The reductions and removals are only counted once and the credits can’t be sold to multiple entities.

Frequently asked questions

What are carbon credits?

The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) enables individuals and organizations to offset carbon emissions or contribute to environmental efforts. Unlike compliance markets, the VCM operates voluntarily, attracting businesses, governments, non-profits, and individuals dedicated to reducing their carbon footprint. Engaging in the VCM demonstrates commitment to sustainability, supporting impactful climate projects and providing crucial financial backing.

Why is it important to support climate projects?

Participating in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is crucial for demonstrating commitment to environmental sustainability and climate action. It provides vital financial support for projects, especially those focusing on gigaton-scale CO2 removal technologies, fostering innovation in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions. By directing resources to innovative solutions, the VCM accelerates the global transition to a low-carbon future, addressing urgent climate challenges and driving progress towards sustainability goals.

What are carbon credits?

Carbon credits correspond to one ton of CO2e that is avoided, reduced or removed by the respective climate project that you support. It is a way to quantify the impact of the respective climate project and to add a price tag to the specific activity. The different climate projects employ all kinds of activities to avoid, reduce or remove CO2e and to mitigate climate change. After a carbon credit has been issued it can be traded in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) until an end-user retires the carbon credit permanently.

How are carbon credits created?

Carbon credits result from climate projects mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Each credit represents the avoidance, reduction, or removal of one ton of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Projects follow specific methodologies, ranging from reforestation to ocean carbon removal. Independent verifiers validate the chosen methodology, its application, and quantify the project's climate impact. Successfully verified credits become eligible for trading on the market.

How are carbon credits created?

Various stakeholders, including government entities, NGOs, and for-profit organizations (project developers), initiate climate projects. Project developers choose impactful activities to avoid, reduce, or remove CO2e emissions, planning meticulously based on validated methodologies. Often, these methodologies come from recognized registries ensuring compliance. After external validation, registries may issue forward-looking carbon credits. Ex-post credits are granted after operational duration and independent verification confirm actual emissions reduction.

What is the difference between avoidance, reduction, and removal?

Climate projects distinguish between avoidance, reduction, and removal based on impact activities. Avoidance prevents emissions, often through nature conservation or sustainable technologies. When integrated into a company's value chain, like using sustainable aviation fuels, it becomes a reduction effort. Removal extracts CO2e from the atmosphere, traditionally through reforestation. Technological solutions like direct air capture, biochar production, and enhanced rock weathering represent a growing field in global climate action against greenhouse gas emissions.

How does SQUAKE ensure the integrity of climate projects?

SQUAKE rigorously assesses climate projects for quality alignment through Core Carbon Principles, preventing double-selling and ensuring third-party validation. The evaluation includes legal, financial, and ecological factors, permanence, risks, monitoring capabilities, and quantification models. SQUAKE also evaluates projects for contributions to sustainable development goals and safeguards against social and environmental risks. This comprehensive approach reflects SQUAKE's commitment to impactful, high-quality climate projects promoting environmental sustainability.

How does SQUAKE ensure credits are only used once?

After a carbon credit is sold and utilized by a client, SQUAKE meticulously verifies its proper retirement within the project's designated registry. To guarantee the integrity of this process, SQUAKE undergoes rigorous third-party audits conducted annually by TÜV. These audits ensure that the credits sold to customers are never duplicated, have been legitimately acquired from suppliers, and are appropriately retired, thereby upholding the credibility and transparency of SQUAKE's carbon credit transactions.

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